Your February Planting Guide

Your February Planting Guide

Posted on February 08 2023

Winter Blues? Get Your Hands Dirty with These February Planting Ideas

Flower seeds to germinate and grow
For the greenhouse or indoors:

  • Get started with the lovely Lobelia, by sowing them in a heated propagator.
  • Begonia tubers are great to plant in February, remember to plant hollow side up in pots of moist compost, top up and sprinkle with a tad more compost. While keeping them in a bright, frost-free position.
  • Sow your remaining Begonia seeds under a glass or in a propagator for beautiful blooms throughout the summer. Keep them at a constant temperature of around 24-27 degrees celsius.
  • Sow Antirrhinums, also known as Snapdragons and Laurentia now to take advantage of their early flowering.
  • Start Dahlia tubers into growth by planting them in pots of compost, maintaining a minimum temperature of 10 degrees celsius.
  • Certain varieties of annual flower seeds, perennial and biennial seeds are great to start sowing now. We recommend sowing Hollyhocks in a propagator or inside a polythene bag as a good alternative. Read the individual growing instructions on your seed packet to learn more.


In the green house

  • Sweat peas are great to sow in a green house, cold frame or alternatively, in a cool place indoors. Our top tip is to soak sweet pea seeds in tepid water overnight before planting them, this helps speed up germination process.
  • Grow your own Chrysanthemum plants from seed — start them off now in the greenhouse for the earliest blooms!
  • Sow Geraniums (Pelargoniums) indoors now for earlier flowering.


Plant outdoors

  • Although best done in autumn, you can get away with planting Lilly bulbs and Allium bulbs until spring.
  • Plant bare root Roses in a sunny position for a summer splash of colour.
  • Plant fragrant winter-flowering shrubs to add interest to borders, such as Daphne, Viburnum x Bodnantense 'Dawn', Witch hazel and Wintersweet.


Vegetables and herbs to sow and grow

In the greenhouse/indoors

  • Chit early potatoes on a windowsill indoors.
  • Start sowing cucumber and tomato seeds for the greenhouse, in warm conditions.
  • Sow peas, why not try and sow them in upcycled guttering with drainage holes drilled in the bottom, great for your health and a great way to recycle! 
  • Prepare Asparagus pea seeds, by sowing them under cover for planting out in late spring.
  • Sow Aubergine seeds now for indoor crops this summer.
  • Grow your own Basil on the windowsill, a great way to flavour your favourite Italian dishes and fill your kitchen with heady Mediterranean aromas!
  • Try bolt-resistant varieties of celery, such as Lathom Self Blanching for early sowings.
  • Try growing really large onions this year, such as Bunton's Showstopper and Ailsa Craig indoors now.
  • Sweet peppers are great for growing in a heated greenhouse. Always provide plenty of warmth as these little beauties like to be kept warm!

Under cover

The following a great to grow under cover:

  • Celeriac seeds
  • Leeks - these vegetables need a longer growing season
  • Brassicas - give Brussels sprouts, summer cabbage, Cauliflower 'All the Year Round' and Calabrese 'Aquiles' a go!


In the cold frame/under cloches

  • Sow Broad Beans, Carrots, Parsnips, early Beetroot, salad Onions, Lettuces, Radish, Peas, Spinach and summer Cabbages outside under cloches, if you have light (sandy) soil and live in a mild part of the UK. Otherwise it's best to wait until the soil has begun to warm up in March or April.
  • Grow Chicory under cloches, for early summer harvesting.

Direct sow outdoors

  • Direct sow hardy broad beans, such as Aquadulce Claudia, if the soil isn't frozen!

Plant outdoors

  • Plant out Garlic and Shallots in light soils only; heavy soils still need longer to warm up.
  • Jerusalem Artichoke tubers are great to plant now.|

Fruit to sow and grow

In the greenhouse/ indoors

  • Plant Raspberry Canes and Blackberries provided the soil isn't frozen or waterlogged.
  • Plant Currant plants, such as redcurrants, whitecurrants, blackcurrants and gooseberries if soil conditions are right.
  • Plant bare-root strawberry plants outside now. Replace plants that are 3 years old or more, as they will have lost much of their vigour.
  • Plant stone fruit trees, such as apricots, peaches and nectarines.
  • Plant Rhubarb crowns in a sunny position in well drained soil.


Keep one step ahead — what to order this month: 

Order sweet pea seeds to sow under cloches, in a cold frame, or in a cool room. Buy perennial plants like foxgloves as well as ordering summer bedding plug plants for March!